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天然玉石的形成The formation of natural jade




1, including intrusive magmatism, volcano eruption and magmatic hydrothermal process

2. Sedimentation includes accumulation of biological debris, debris accumulation, chemical precipitation, epigenetic leaching, etc.

3. The metamorphism is the most important cause of the jade category, including regional metamorphism, metasomatism, and hydrothermal alteration.






1, the best color to white, white jade is the best. Purple Topaz color thick, black jade ink much good.

2. The best species is Hetian jade, and the other jade is also good.

3, the age of ancient jade is the best.






1, the color is the best green. The best green jade is emerald.

2, the best jade is the "glass" is also called "spirit of place" jade, transparent degree is very high.

3, general than the new old pit pit, seed material than the mountain material and material mid, mid material than the mountain material.

软玉硬玉的异同:The similarities and differences of nephrite jadeite:





1, pay more attention to history, than the jadeite nephrite carving inner charm.

2, jadeite nephrite color, size more than.

3, both pay attention to the "head of water". But the connotation of "jade", "jade extratensive". In the light, the color is dark nephrite jade is very dazzling.

玉石的选购Selection and purchase of jade


鉴别玉的优劣我国则有六条标准,即“色、透、匀、形、敲、照”。There are six standards for the identification of jade in China, namely, "color, penetration, uniform, shape, knock, and illumination".

1、色 不论哪一种颜色的玉,玉色一定要鲜明。

2、透 透明似玻璃者称翡翠玉,此为上品。半透明、不透明者称为中级玉或普通玉。

3、匀 指色泽均匀。玉的色泽贵在均匀,如含绿色但色泽不均匀则价值很低。

4、形 愈大愈值钱,愈厚愈值钱。

5、敲 玉当中常有断裂、割纹,这些裂纹一般不易观察到,敲一敲,可由声音的清浊辨出裂纹的存在与否。

6、照 玉当中有肉眼不易发现的黑点、瑕疵,只要在灯光下用10倍放大镜一照,便可一览无遗。

1, no matter what color a color of jade, jade must be bright.

2, transparent and transparent like Fei Cuiyu, this is the upper product. The translucent and opaque person is called the intermediate jade or the ordinary jade.

3. Even the color is uniform. The colour and lustre of jade is even, if it is green but the color is not uniform, the value is very low.

4, the greater the shape of the more valuable, the more valuable the more valuable.

5, knock on the jade has broken, often cutting lines, these cracks are generally not easy to observe, knock, by the voice of the voicing recognize the existence of cracks.

6, according to jade which is not easy to find the naked eye spots, blemishes, as long as the light with 10 times the magnifying glass of light, can be at a glance.

此外,在购买玉时还要注意看工艺。玉制品造型讲究精巧别致,纹饰古朴典雅。带颜色的,要因色生巧。浅平雕刻,虽平面如镜,其景物却要远近相宜。镂空的,要剔透玲珑,惟妙惟肖。In addition, in the purchase of jade, we should also pay attention to the process. The modelling of jade products is exquisite and exquisite, and the ornamentation is simple and elegant. With color, we should make a good color. Shallow engraving, although the plane as a mirror, its scenery is far and near. To be hollow, exquisite, lifelike.


When you buy a jade, don't do it under a strong light. Because the light can easily lose the original color of the jade, and even cover some defects.

玉石的保养Maintenance of jade


·玉石的清洗方法基本与宝石相同。The cleaning method of jade is basically the same as the gem.

·翡翠不宜用超声波清洗机进行清洗。Jadeite is not suitable for cleaning by ultrasonic cleaning machine.

·玉石中的翡翠切忌与酸,碱和有机溶剂接触,这些物质都会对翡翠表面产生腐蚀作用!Jade in jade should not be exposed to acid, alkali and organic solvents. These substances will have a corrosive effect on the emerald surface.

·避免剧烈碰撞,避免接触油污。Avoid violent collision and avoid contact with oil pollution.

No matter how valuable your collections, how valuable, before you do not have hands, it is always of no value, like yuan above we always say the people's Bank of China, before you didn't take out, it is always belongs to the people's Bank of China, always show his value, he is always a piece of paper. Only the money spent, in order to reflect the value of his use.


上一篇:扎根綦江近二十年 见证农民版画崛起
